Patient Rights and Responsibilities

As a patient, it’s a good idea to educate yourself about your rights and responsibilities. As always, our staff is available to answer any questions you may have.

Patient Policies

Per the Washington State Department of Health and in accordance with 2SSB 5602 (Laws of 2019) and WAC 246-320-141(6), please find our policies relating to admission, nondiscrimination, reproductive health, and end-of-life care.

PC 125 - Admissions Policy
LD 360 - Non-Discrimination Policy
LD 410 - Reproductive Health Policy
PC 325 - Care of Dying Patients Policy

Patient Rights

CIHQ-Accredited-Hospital-Seal100x100Any patient or surrogate decision-maker has the right to file a complaint with the Center for Improvement in Healthcare Quality regarding quality-of-care concerns or safety issues at Providence Swedish Rehabilitation Hospital. The patient/surrogate decision-maker is not required to notify the organization prior to filing the complaint.

To file a complaint online, by mail, or by telephone is as follows:

Center for Improvement in Healthcare Quality
P.O. Box 1540
Mexia, TX 76667-1540
Attn: Chief Executive Officer

Phone: 512.661.2813